Dear Community Members,
One of our dearest Laotian community members has a serious health condition and needs as much help as she can get. Her name is Photivanh Khamphilapanyo and she has IgA nephropathy. Her kidneys are functioning at 15%. She will need a kidney transplant. Ms. Khamphilapanyo’s condition is considered pre-existing to any insurance company, so she will not get any coverage. So the goal is to raise money towards a transplant and also to help pay for hospital expenses and medications. Right now, the only working person in the house is Mr. Khamphilapanyo, hence, they only have one income.
Please donate any amount that you can. 100% of the donation will go to the Khamphilapanyo family. Please send your donation to:
Asian Services In Action
attn: Michael Byun, Khamphilapanyo family
730 Carroll Street
Akron, OH 44304
Thank you very much for your help in supporting the Khamphilapanyo family.
Michael Byun
Executive Director